Aug 19, 20221 minPaul's The Phantom #1925 Out Now across Australia!The Masked Marvel special features a colour version of Lee Falk and Wilson McCoy's 1948 Comic strip story 'The Masked Marvel', followed...
Jun 8, 20222 minThe Phantom: Vietnam Story shortlisted for Comic Arts Award!The 2022 Shortlist was recently announced for the CAAA ( Comic Arts Awards Australia, formerly the Ledger Awards), and I was surprised...
Feb 20, 20201 minKid Phantom with legendary Phantom cartoonist Sy Barry!A huge thank you to writer/actor Duncan Munro for snapping this recently in New York City; a 'Friends of the Phantom' Meet up to...
Jan 11, 20191 minThe Phantom 2019 Annual Out Now!The Phantom 2019 Annual: The Phantom at War is now available via the Frew Publications website, which will feature my first Phantom:...
Nov 1, 20181 minKID PHANTOM #6 OUT NOW!KID PHANTOM #6, written by Andrew Constant (DC Comics 'The Demon: Hell is Earth'), and scribbled by Paul Mason, is out now! and features...